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Department Information: Undergraduate

Chinese Business

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Chinese Business


The department aims to advocate individuals with a globalized mind-set who can meet the standards of the international influences and expansion that China affected recently. The department offers effective and practical courses that emphasize communication skills, field-centered education, and inter-curricular education. Other programs include student exchange between China and South Korea, one-on-one Tandem learning, individualized courses, and job searching supports.

Course Description

The course prepares students to be competent and fluent users of Chinese language in dealing with tasks related to trade and commerce, tourism, and cultural exchanges. Students will not only learn Chinese language and culture, but also they will have opportunities to learn the fundamentals of trade and commerce, tourism and interpretation and translation. To assist students to acquire Chinese language quickly and effectively, students will receive one-on-one tutoring, and will be paired up with a Chinese exchange students or international students for further language practice.

Why choose to study this course at Changshin University?

Students will be able work in the global workplace with qualifications in Chinese language, intercultural competence, and international awareness, and a country specialty since students will have opportunities to take part in student exchange programs with sister schools in China. Students will also have ample opportunities to practice Chinese language on campus by taking the advantage of the "tandem" program which has been created to have students practice Chinese paired up with Chinese exchange students or international students.

Student can work for a combined degree specializing in other fields such as translation and interpretation, tourism, or trade and commerce besides Chinese language.

Each student will have a supervisor to help him or her adapt to university life quickly and successfully, and prepare him or her for employment in the areas of his or her interest. They will also work closely with students studying the same subjects, from which they will learn to be responsible and empathetic.

Students will have opportunities to meet employers in the global workplace and prepare themselves for their career, and have hands-on experience in translation and interpretation at international events and conferences.