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Department Information: Undergraduate

Early Childhood Education

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Dept. of Early Childhood Education


The Department of Early Childhood Education enables students to become competent kindergarten teachers or experts in early childhood education. With an ageing population, the pool of workers is diminishing requiring both parents to become active in the workforce. It indicates that there are a growing number of young children entering child-care facilities, which in turn requires more early childhood teachers and experts. By fostering students with the University’s motto of sincerity and service, the courses provided in the department would allow them to make positive contributions to developing the youngest of our future leaders.

Course Description

The course will prepare students to become competent kindergarten teachers or a professional in early childhood education with the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to have a positive impact on student achievement. Students will learn to uphold the university's motto, sincerity and service, as a student and later as a teacher. Students will be able to contribute to the development of early childhood education in their local communities. Moreover, they will always be aware of the changes in the fast-changing society and will always be able to adapt to these changes.

Why choose to study this course at Changshin University?

Students will learn to teach successfully and well. They will learn how to improve their classes by doing self-reflections and entering contests that promote effective teaching skills.

Students will be assisted in preparing for the national examination for the certification in teaching very young learners. They will able to take online preparatory classes for the examination and attend lectures run by the examiners and those who have successfully passed the examinations. These online classes and lectures will increase the passing rates.

When they finally become certified teachers and start working at their first job in public kindergartens, they will receive one-on one mentoring from the faculty professors so that they will be able to adapt to the new working environment quickly and work alone independently and successfully.

Finally, students will be able to complete some part of the course at sister schools abroad and earn two bachelor degrees, one from Changshin University and the other one from a sister school abroad. A double qualification such as this will enable students to find good teaching jobs in South Korea and internationally.